FAQ: Air Products
What are the different types of air filters?
There are a variety of different types of filters to choose from for your home: HEPA, electronic, carbon, and pre-filters.
Is using an air purifier expensive?
One of the main concerns consumers have when considering purchasing an indoor air purifier for their homes is how much it costs and how it will impact their monthly electricity bills. Air purification systems will undoubtedly increase your operational costs to some degree, but not to the point where it’s unaffordable. Budget-conscious consumers that want to limit their energy consumption should consider purchasing a portable HEPA air filtration system that contains the Energy Star logo.
What are the best air purifiers to use for asthma and allergies?
HEPA air filtration systems for homes with asthma and allergy sufferers are the best choice. Allergens like dust and pollen can easily make their way into your home due to improper ventilation, open windows, tiny crevices, and even every time you open and close a door to come and go. HEPA filters effectively trap and eliminate 99.97% of airborne dust and allergens up to 0.3 microns that make their way into your home.
Pure Eco Solutions offers several multi-stage portable air filters for the home that effectively clean the air in your living space, so that you can continue to breathe happy.
How do I know if I have an indoor air quality problem?
According to the EPA, there are several indicators that you could have an air quality issue in your home. If you’ve developed new health issues such as difficulty breathing after moving, refurnishing or remodelling your home, then you may want to consider purchasing a HEPA air filtration system for your home.
Poor indoor air quality can be caused by a number of environmental factors including pets shedding hair and dander, using chemical-based toxic cleaning products, and poor ventilation systems. Look for signs of mould growth and condensation on your walls and fixtures throughout your home. Another telltale sign of poor air quality is if there’s a constant musty odour lingering in the air.
How can I determine the best air purifier for my home?
When it comes to improving air quality in your home, the type of air filter you choose depends on a number of factors. These include square footage, how often filters need to be replaced, the current air quality of your home, CADR rating, and whether you prefer manual or automatic controls. Check out our line of advanced multi-stage air filters for your home.
What is HEPA?
HEPA stands for high efficiency particulate absorbing. To fall under the HEPA category, air filters must meet a series of stringent air filtration and purification standards.
HEPA air filters feature advanced mechanical components that force air through a fine mesh filter where airborne particulates like pollen, pet dander, dust, and smoke are permanently trapped.
How often do HEPA filters need to be replaced?
HEPA filters should be replaced every six months depending on the environment and can last up to two to three years.
How much does a HEPA air filter cost?
Cost depends on the brand and size of the filtration system. Replacement HEPA filters typically cost somewhere between $75 to $300.
Contact Pure Eco Solutions for more information!